MEET Josie (Xun Liu) (She/Her)
Hello, thanks for stopping by,
I have a Masters of Counselling Psychology, and I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors.
I have a Masters in Counselling Psychology from Adler University.
In my spare time I like baking, handcrafting, calligraphy, and journaling.
相信您来到这个页面是因为目前的生活陷入了某种危机。首先想要恭喜您踏出了勇敢的第一步。人生的艰难困顿也许无法选择,我们尤可把握的是在困境中如何面对,如何自处。希望我可以在自我认知这条道路上与您结伴同行。作为崎岖小路上的点点星光,或是激流勇进中的坚定磐石。倾听,引导,和您共同感受,发现生活的美好之处, 同时也拥抱生命中无可避免之痛。
本人是持有心理学学士学位和临床心理咨询硕士学位的BC省注册临床心理咨询师。同时也是移民温哥华十几年,两个孩子的妈妈。曾经我也是留学生,也是新移民。对于生活在异国他乡的种种挫折和难处有深刻的体会和了解。近七年来,我曾陪伴来访者们-包括青少年,家庭和夫妇-一同面对焦虑,抑郁,心理创伤,自杀倾向,自闭症,注意力缺陷多动症,药物滥用,身份认同,亲密关系,亲子关系,以及文化冲突引发的家庭问题等。我的工作以客人的需求为中心,综合使用情绪集中疗法,内部家庭系统疗法,辩证行为疗法,认知行为疗法和正念疗法来帮助客人。我也常使用眼动身心重建法(EMDR)以及神经生理回馈 (Neurofeedback)来帮助有心理创伤,脑部创伤和注意力缺陷问题的客人。
Life challenges and emotional distress are universal human experiences. We all hit roadblocks at some point in life while achieving our goals. I believe all humans are worthy and able to create meaningful connections given a safe environment and proper tools.
When there is pain, there is also the opportunity for insights and growth. With over 7 years of experience in the field of mental health, I hope to provide a safe space for you to embrace your true self and rebuild relationships.
I work from a holistic, trauma-informed approach, where I incorporate family theories, and attachment theories, along with DBT, ACT, EMDR, Neurofeedback, and mindfulness techniques. Together we will explore your feelings and needs, find your inner voice, examine the dynamic interactions in your family systems, look for patterns and characteristics of relationships, and open up new ways to promote a healthier lifestyle.
I work from a holistic, trauma-informed approach, where I can incorporate:
Family Theories
The Gottman Method
Attachment Theories
Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Eye Movement Reprocessing & Desensitization (EMDR)
LENS Neurofeedback
Mindfulness Techniques
As a mother of two, I believe growth and development are only possible with ample support and encouragement. Being open, authentic, compassionate, and non-judgmental is essential to my work ethic. Rather than attempting to alter or bury emotional distress, I am more interested in learning about your true self and feelings. It would be my privilege to be part of your life journey
and help you discover your inner strengths while celebrating your individuality and uniqueness.